我是一個欣賞自然之美的人,這就是為什麼我的主要愛好包括園藝、插花和旅行。 我的目標是通過分享我在此過程中學到的讓我快樂的秘訣,來分享我看到的生活之美。 我希望我喜歡的東西也能給你帶來快樂!
在这里我为你分享花园的建设, 维护,种花养花心得,喜欢请给我点赞和留言分享!
I am someone who appreciates the beauty of nature which is why my main hobbies include gardening, floral arrangements, and traveling. My aim is to share the beauty of life as I see it before it withers away by sharing tips I’ve learned along the way that brought me joy. My hope is that my favorite things will also bring you joy!
sharing with you garden design, garden ideas, garden renovation, garden maintain,garden flower arrangement.
I will publish new content every week , subscribe out channel to supports! thanks!