■RIJO オンライン生け花サロン
■華道家 宮本理城NFTアート
ホテル旅館などの空間装飾 / 店舗装飾 / イベント用装飾 / その他の空間装飾 / メディア取材 / YouTube コラボ依頼 / いけばな体験 / ワークショップ
華道家 宮本 理城
Rijo Miyamoto
1976年東京生まれ。二歳より古流東洋会の創流者で祖母の服部理春、二世家元である母、宮本理峰から華道の手ほどきをうける。大学時代から流展に参加。いけばなインターナショナル世界大会、日本いけばな芸術展に出展。2009年、古流東洋会水墨花点前 副家元に就任。
Profile :
Rijo Miyamoto is an Ikebana Artist (Kado-ka) and the vice-head of the Koryu Toyokai Suibokuka Temae. He was born in 1976 in Tokyo. He started learning Ikebana from his grandmother (the founder of Koryu Toyokai), mother (second generation head of the family) and Riho Miyamoto at the age of 2. He started demonstrating Ikebana at displays when he was in university. He has displayed his works at the International Ikebana World Championships and the Japan Ikebana Exhibition. He became vice-head of the family in 2009.
He has been invited to exhibitions in Tunisia, the “Janadriya” in Saudi Arabia and an international festival called “the Heart of Japan” hosted by the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. He has also held demonstrations in Moscow, Russia and other countries worldwide. He has been rewarded the All Japan Ikebana Competition Special Rewards and m…